About Us

The Queensland Professional Firefighters’ Union represents firefighters, both career and auxiliary along with scientific officers and fire communications officers. The union is made up of members throughout the state of Queensland, as far as Thursday Island to the North and down to the southern border of our great state.

The QPFU operates on a tiered basis, with varying levels of representation. Members are initially represented by local branch representatives whose role is to manage union business on a local level, with each of the eight Queensland Fire and Rescue (QFR) Divisions across Queensland having firefighter and station officer delegates representing them on the union’s State Committee of Management (SCM). Additionally, the SCM has an auxiliary firefighter delegate and a fire communications officer delegate to ensure effective representation of all members.

The union’s SCM meets quarterly and comprises the QFR Divisional delegates as well as the State Executive. The State Executive comprises the General Secretary, State President, Assistant Secretary, Vice Presidents, and three Executive Members. The State Executive meets monthly and is charged with the conduct of the union between the quarterly meetings of the SCM.

QPFU State Executive
General Secretary John Oliver
State President Wayne McLean
Assistant Secretary Shane Malley
Senior Vice President Peter Chalmers
Vice President Sean Wulff
Executive Member Phil Paff
Executive Member Nathan Price

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